Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

visceral fat

Actually both visceral and subcutaneous fat is a fat-belly fat that not only makes us look less attractive but also make vital organs work harder. Particularly visceral fat, which is taking a position against the wall of the stomach that it can be ascertained pressing the organs like the liver which then makes the production of our hormones going haywire, so How to lose belly fat for teenage girls  ?
As a result many studies concluded that fat in the abdomen to make our risk of disease of insulin resistance or diabetes, vascular disorders or heart problems, until a stroke.
In order for the removal of fat we are running optimally, University of Pennsylvania suggested that we also equip it with weight training. They suggest this after observing the female respondents who are obese. During the 2 years they were asked to exercise regularly. In addition to aerobic activity, they are for 2 weeks each month are required to do weight training.
The result, they managed to make a pile of fat, either visceral or subcutaneous fat, did not show up as a gadfly. For every month that the loss of both fat belly up to 4 percent! And actually a combination of aerobics with weight training is not only beneficial to the beauty of the stomach, but also make your heart healthier. Plus make the body have a good immune system with our mood stable. So just grumbling stomach began to bulge look, do something and start today!